It may seem silly to make a big deal out of a birthday as we all get older. But even if you’re content with no celebration at all, birthdays are still a great way to get all your friends together amid busy schedules, and a personal reminder to celebrate yourself and how far you’ve come. Imaging your friends wear the birthday t-shirts and together hold a birthday party for you. That’s must be awesome!

So start making those invitations — here are five totally grown-up ways to celebrate your birthday

1. Order a cake take to your birthday dinner/to have in the evening of your bday with your partner/to eat by the ocean. But make it a really good cake. The cake is such a thing now. There are heaps of classy, delightful and artisan bakery options around, or if you're really embracing your adulthood and are watching your sugar intake, options such as a whole cake from Pana Chocolate are great.

Having a cake is a celebratory statement without too much effort (most even deliver to your door). It marks the occasion, makes you/everyone happy, and is a sweet throwback to those childhood years praying the knife doesn't come out dirty.

2. Do something you’ve always been scared to do

…With your best friends, of course. Whether that’s trying out an open mic, skydiving or tasting pâtĂ©, there’s no better time to step outside your comfort zone. And since you’ll have all your favorite people there to support you, you’ll feel ready to dive right in. 

3. Forgo expectations of planning an ultimate day

Most of us have to go to work these days. Instead, make use of your adult detachment to your actual birthday and pace it out. Have a few catch-up dinners with friends and family over the month if the idea of planning one big party is anxiety-inducing. Do lots of little things. Have a picnic in nice weather. Visit your nephews and nieces one weekend. Grab a drink with your friend who makes you laugh. The day itself doesn't have to represent your transition into a new and improved age. This has the benefit of stretching your birthday out for way longer than you have the right to. And never underestimate the simple loveliness of a nice dinner somewhere classy with your friends, family, partner or children.

4. Lear something you always want to learn

Maybe you’ve always wanted to knit. Or maybe you’ve secretly hidden your affinity for belly dancing. Or pole dancing. (Hey, we all have our thing.) When it’s your birthday, you can make all your friends learn that new thing with you. And we guarantee you’re not the only person who wanted to strip knit.

You can use adult birthday cards with a check made out to a certain charity or organization, also.

5. Plan a party, you go-getter

And what if it's a big, meaningful year and you do plan to have a big old party thank you very much? Then good on you!

Make sure you plan well ahead to avoid the thing creeping up on you. What do you imagine when you think of this party? Where is it? Who's there? Be led by the images that you conjure instinctively when thinking about it. Don't worry about asking loved ones to take on a bit of a role to ease the burden -– ask your savvy, planner friend to send out the invitations etc. Make sure the food is all the stuff you love to eat, and that the champagne is quality.

90s Party is such a good idea. Get nostalgic and celebrate everyone's favorite decade (and you). Dress the part, make a killer '90s playlist, and even provide food and drinks from the 90s. Don't forget to play Now and Then in the background.

You can prepare for your friends some unique cool birthday shirts to remind the beautiful old day and for yourself as birthday gifts.

If it's at home, get a playlist of your favorite songs (a clash of genres, sensibilities and the good/bad taste is fine).

Invite who you love and who loves you.

Ask your partner/dad/best friend to make a speech and say wonderful things about you, and to include one humorous anecdote that veers closer to endearing, rather than mortifying. Kick up your heels, enjoy the spotlight and have a great time. Get a bit carried away with the sentimentality of this day; so many people didn't get to reach the age you are marking but wanted to. Feel fuzzy and grateful, and then swiftly get back to more bubbly and adorable, inventive dancing.

If your friend’s birthday is coming, don’t forget to make him surprise. You can find more at:

>> How to Prepare Birthday Gifts for Your Best Friends: 6 Unique Birthday Gifts You Can Not Miss

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